Resimli Kelimeler

Alfabe / Alphabet, Zamirler / Pronouns, Temel Soru Kalıpları / Basic Question Words, Basit Konuşmalar / Simple Conversation, Zaman İfadeleri / Time Clauses, Zamanlar / Times, Sayılar / Numbers, Zaman Birimleri / Units Of Time, Yönler / Directions
Resimli Kelimeler
watch a movie
watch a movie

watch a movie

see a doctor
see a doctor

see a doctor

play tennis
play tennis

play tennis

play a game
play a game

play a game

listen to some music
listen to some music

listen to some music

go to the movies
go to the movies

go to the movies

go to America
go to America

go to America

eat something
eat something

eat something

be rich
be rich

be rich

be a doctor
be a doctor

be a doctor
