Adverb Clause 14

1. _____ , but it is not the only one.

2. Private investments play ____ important a part in the country’s long-running economic expansion ____ no government dares to increase taxation on personal savings.

3. Before Freud shed light on dreams and extraordinary role of the subconscious, ____ .

4. _____ , but it is not the only one.

5. Private investments play ____ important a part in the country’s long-running economic expansion ____ no government dares to increase taxation on personal savings.

6. Before Freud shed light on dreams and extraordinary role of the subconscious, ____ .

7. ____ until Thomas Paine published The Common Sense and sparked off the American Revolution.

8. Though Hong Kong used to be one of the world’s most alluring shopping centres, ____ .

9. The overall quality of life in today’s world cannot be improved ____ .

10. Some avalanches move no faster than 40 kilometres per hour, ____ .

11. Today the expansion of knowledge in astronomy, physics, chemistry, and biology is ____ vast and complex, and multiplying ____ quickly to be mastered fully.

12. Scientists rely on computers to model phenomena ____ would ____ be difficult to observe.

13. ____ suggestion he may make as regards the tax rate, let’s not give any response ____ we have discussed the matter thoroughly together.

14. ____ until Thomas Paine published The Common Sense and sparked off the American Revolution.

15. Though Hong Kong used to be one of the world’s most alluring shopping centres, ____ .

16. The overall quality of life in today’s world cannot be improved ____ .

17. Some avalanches move no faster than 40 kilometres per hour, ____ .

18. Today the expansion of knowledge in astronomy, physics, chemistry, and biology is ____ vast and complex, and multiplying ____ quickly to be mastered fully.

19. Scientists rely on computers to model phenomena ____ would ____ be difficult to observe.

20. ____ suggestion he may make as regards the tax rate, let’s not give any response ____ we have discussed the matter thoroughly together.